In reading the Prensky items last week, it seemed that one or both of the descriptions provided for digital natives spoke to you and how you see your students. This week the Reeves & Oh and Twenge pieces has written examined the research about these so-called generational differences to see what we can say with confidence is actually true about today's student.
Based upon your reading of the Reeves & Oh and Twenge pieces, what do you take away from this whole discussion about generational differences? Having read all four pieces now, which one do you think makes the most sense based on your own students? Does the review of the research conducted by Reeves and Twenge really matter if Howe and Strauss or Prensky got it right in the first place?
In addition to the entry responding to this prompt on your own blog this week, please make a comment on two of your fellow students' blogs.
Your own response to this prompt should be posted by the end of the day on Saturday, 25 July 2009. Your comments on other students' blogs should be completed by the end of the day on Tuesday, 28 July 2009.